Summer Smart Casual.
We are expecting it to be hot, so please bear this in mind. Jackets and ties are optional.
Our venue is located in Siġġiewi, which is a 15 minute drive from Valletta or Sliema. We will have transport available from both locations.
The pickup points will be near Sliema Ferry and Balluta Bay beach in Sliema, and near the Triton Fountain in Valletta.
Please indicate on the RSVP form if you wish to use this, and which location you’ll be coming from.
Alternatively you can use Bolt or Uber. Both apps are great for getting around and there are plenty of taxis available at a reasonable price.
If you’d like a reminder of our suggestions of where to stay, please click on the link below.
If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact either of us directly. We would be happy to help.
James and Leah’s Wedding
14th June 2024